Scottish Water Flat Roofing Installation
As part of the works we are completing at Balmore WTW, we have been installing a new 1200m2 Protan High Performance Single Ply Flat Roof System for this Scottish Water Treatment Plant.
These works are part of a larger project being carried out on 20 of Balmore WTW building assets on site.
Scope of works include:
- Permanent man safe installs
- Gutter cleans
- Fatra gutter installs
- Steel Erection/Cladding Installs
- Single Ply high performance flat roof installs
- Liquid high performance flat roof installs
- Cut edge corrosion treatments
- Jetting works
- Ridge/Flashing replacements
- Fixings replacement
To find out more about this recent flat roofing installation work, please click the link.