Lightning Protection Design, Installation and Inspection for Industrial and Commercial Buildings

While lightning is not a common occurrence in Scotland, it can be deadly. Which is why, for Commercial and Industrial facilities across Scotland, having a Lightning Protection System installed and regularly maintained and inspected is vitally important. Due to the brutal forces and electrical energy within a lightning strike, lightning protection systems will only work if they are in good working condition. Which is why, with factors such as storm damage, weathering, salt corrosion and equipment fatigue, regular inspection is required.

Lightning Protection Design & Installation

Fitting a commercial properties lightning protection systems is the best way of protecting it from the potential damage that a lighting strike can cause.

Lightning strikes are a real and present danger in Scotland and having them fitted to commercial and industrial buildings is part of a legal requirement for building owners to protect occupants from.

As a leading Roofing, Building Maintenance and Rope Access Specialist, we can fit lighting protection systems to buildings of all heights with our Rope Access Team to protect your buildings roof, structure and internals.