Using various surveying tools, surveyors once performed the laborious task of stockpile measuring. But with the advances in digital scanning technology, we can now provide a scheduled ‘Progress Survey’ of your sites stock volume measurements.

The advantages? Our stock volume measurement service can be completed a lot quicker than traditional methods, are more accurate and a lot safer. We can accurately measure the volume of aggregate stockpile on a construction site, mine or similar site.

As a part of our topographical survey, we can provide this service far quicker while producing more easily accessible archived data for more efficient reporting and inspection. All of which gives you more control over your stock and assets.

Who can benefit from stockpile measuring?

Civil Engineering Firms, Construction Companies, Mining Business…the list goes on. If your business frequently monitors current stockpiles then switching to using drone inspection methods will increase your inspection accuracy and speed.

We can provide drone surveys on site as part of a scheduled contract for weekly or monthly surveys. All of which can be supplied through our award winning cloud based software that allows you to better access, monitor, distribute and track your stockpile more consistently.

How does it work?

We use the method of photogrammetry and powerful software to measure and convert aerial images and other footage into data that can be processed for analyses.

On top of this, we can create 3D digital models that can be used to analyse and measure everything from the size of a stockpile to its depth, angle of slope and trench volume.

How accurate are the measurements?

Using ground control points, we can provide stockpile measurements with an accuracy of just 1 centimetre.

Faster, Safer and with more options

While you may initially be considering switching to drone surveys for your future stockpile measurement needs, there is so much more that our drone inspection services can offer. From Capital Project Monitoring to structural inspection of buildings, cooling towers and pipelines. Our drones are equipped with thermal imaging cameras that allow us to go beyond the visual inspection.

To find out more about how our drone services can benefit your site, please contact our Glasgow head office today.